How to Coach Yourself and Others Coaching Families | Page 241

BASIC FAMILY THERAPY TECHNIQUES IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER  ACCOMMODATION The therapist makes personal adjustments in order to achieve a therapeutic alliance. Accommodating is: adapting to a family's communication style. – (Also see: “joining”)  ADVICE & INFORMATION These are derived from experience and knowledge of the family in therapy. They are used to calm down anxious members of families or reassure these individuals and families about certain actions.  AFFECTIVE CONFRONTATION Affective Confrontation of Rigid Patterns and Roles is used to interrupt rigid patterns. The goals may be a/ to raise clients' awareness when they do not know how they are contributing to the problem. b/ to raise a taboo subject that the client and others have been avoiding, or c/ to increase motivation to make changes when there is cognitivie awareness but no change in action. 241