How to Coach Yourself and Others Coaching Families | Page 226

 A useful and engaging way of saying goodbye to the family. Once this information has been shared decisions should be reached about:  When therapy will end.  What follow up arrangements will be made.  What the family might do if difficulties should arise again.  Who will be contacted post therapy. 8.5 Review the process of therapy It will be helpful for the therapist to invite the family to review the process of therapy. This may be useful for the team and family in relation to prevention of future difficulties, and to empower the family in any future contact with therapeutic services. Issues that should be considered include:  What has been gained/lost for the family through therapy?  Any misunderstandings not addressed during therapy should be clarified and addressed.  Reasons for therapist’s behaviours and procedures used.  What might the family do differently if future difficulties arise? End Sessions Checklist for Therapists End Sessions Checklist for Therapists Before you end therapy check: ￿ Do the family have an understanding of the issues which they are happy with? ￿ Are the family happy with the ways of interacting that they are currently developing? ￿ Have you continued to amplify change, enhance mastery, challenge existing patterns and assumptions, reframe concerns and difficulties, and develop new stories and explanations of difficulties? ￿ Have you discussed ending therapy with the family, and listened to their wishes about ending? ￿ Have you reviewed with the family the goals outlined in the initial and middle stages of therapy? ￿ Have you considered contingency plans for the family when future difficulties arise? ￿ Have you reviewed with the family what was useful and not useful about therapy? ￿ Have you discussed how to re-engage with therapy if required? ￿ Have you written