How to Coach Yourself and Others Coaching Families | Page 214

The establishment of goals should be achieved in a way which expresses the Possibility of Change, and should convey the expectation that change is possible, and likely to occur, that the therapy team may be able to work with the family towards this. This intention is to build the family’s confidence in their ability to make changes. Initial Session Checklist for Therapists Now you have finished the initial session/s of therapy: ￿ Do you know who is in the family? ￿ Have you outlined the way you work and the setting? ￿ Have you introduced the therapy team to the family? ￿ Have you discussed issues of confidentiality? ￿ Have you given the family a chance to ask questions about the therapeutic process? ￿ Have you begun to engage all members of the family? ￿ Do you know the important people in the wider system/network? ￿ Do you have a clear idea of the difficulties/issues with which the family are struggling? ￿ Have you heard views of the difficulties from each family member? ￿ Do you have an idea of the solutions and strategies that the family have tried so far? ￿ Do you have an idea about the family’s strengths? ￿ Do you have an idea about what the family would like to change or be different? ￿ Have you remembered to obtain written video permission? ￿ Have you written to the referrer to inform them of the appointment?  Appendix III 214