How to Coach Yourself and Others Coaching Families | Page 182

SPECIAL DAYS, MINI-VACATIONS, SPECIAL OUTINGS Couples and families that are stuck frequently exhibit predictable behaviour cycles. Boredom is present, and family members take little time with each other. In such cases, family members feel unappreciated and taken for granted. "Caring Days" can be set aside when couples are asked to show caring for each other. Specific times for caring can be arranged with certain actions in mind (Stuart, 1980). PROBLEM SOLVING Problem solving is an effective therapy technique not because it teaches the family how to resolve the issue that brought them to see the family systems psychologist, but it teaches them how to identify, develop plans and create resolutions for future problems. Problem solving may seem like a common sense resolution, but it requires a willingness on the parts of all parties to contribute to the solution. Problem solving is a family therapy technique that requires effective communication and often comes later in therapy sessions as the therapist challenges family members to role-play situations previously deemed irresolvable. Family members may also be required to play the part of other family members, parents playing the part of the children or dad taking on the role of mom to a child's dad and a mom's child. By actively role playing other members of the family, each member is required to see that person's point of view. This leads to learning how to disagree in positive and respectful manner and to not allow those disagreements to impede problem solving efforts. FAMILY CONTRACTS The family contract is a therapeutic tool that allows families to negotiate terms and come to an agreement on how they want to handle future family problems and to commit to positive change. A family contract, for example, may detail that a child who copes with an eating disorder commits to talking about her feelings on weight, eating and social perception. Her parents will then commit to listening and not dismissing her feelings. All parties commit to working together to build self-esteem and a healthy lifestyle. Family contracts are a positive tool in the arsenal of a family systems psychologist because they are facilitated agreement that a family makes to avoid future dysfunction. The family contract also helps family members recognize when problems are occurring, particularly if elements of the contract are not being upheld. Ef