How to Coach Yourself and Others Coaching Families | Page 100

may also push the family towards a different equilibrium. This new equilibrium may lead to dysfunction as the wife may not be able to maintain this overachieving role over a long period of time. There are eight interlocking concepts in Dr. Bowen's theory: 1) Differentiation of self: The variance in individuals in their susceptibility to depend on others for acceptance and approval. 2) Triangles: The smallest stable relationship system. Triangles usually have one side in conflict and two sides in harmony, contributing to the development of clinical problems. 3) Nuclear family emotional system: The four relationship patterns that define where problems may develop in a family. - Marital conflict - Dysfunction in one spouse - Impairment of one or more children - Emotional distance 4) Family projection process: The transmission of emotional problems from a parent to a child. 5) Multigenerational transmission process: The transmission of small differences in the levels of differentiation between parents and their children. 6) Emotional cut-off: The act of reducing or cutting off emotional contact with family as a way of managing unresolved emotional issues. 7) Sibling position: The impact of sibling position on development and behaviour. 8) Societal emotional process: The emotional system governs behaviour on a societal level, promoting both progressive and regressive periods in a society. 100