How to Coach Yourself and Others Coaching Families | Page 298
VIII. Structure Family Therapy — Outline by Patty Salehpur
A. Assumptions
1. Family are individuals who effect each other in powerful but unpredicatable ways
2. The consistent repetitive organized and predictable patterns of family behavior are important
3. The emotional boundaries and coalitions are important
B. Salvador Minuchin
1. Always concerned with social issues
2. Developed a theory of family structure and guidelines to organize therapeutic techniques
3. 1970 headed Philadelphia Child Guidance Clinic where family therapists have been trained in
structural family therapy ever since
4. Born in Argentina , served in the Israel army as a physician, in the USA trained in child
psychiatry and psychoanalysis with Nathan Ackerman, worked in Israel with displaced children,
also worked in the USA with Don Jackson with middle class families.
5. Fist generation of family structural therapists: Braulio Montalvo, Jay Haley, Bernie Rosman,
Harry Aponte, Carter Umbarger, Marianne Fishman, Cloe Madanes, and Stephen Greenstein.
C. Theoretical formulations - three essential constructs
1. Structure — the organized pattern in which family members interact, predictable sequences
of family interaction, patterns of interaction. Structure involves a series of covert rules. There
are universal and idiosyncratic constraints. Families may not be able to tell you the family
structure, but they will show it to you in their interactions.
2. Subsystems — Families are differentiated into subsystems of members who join together to
perform various functions. Each person is a member of one or more subsystems in the family.
Some groupings are obvious and based on such factors as generation, gender, age or common
interests. Other coalitions may be subtle. Every member may play many roles in various
3. Boundaries are invisible barriers that regulate the amount and nature of contact with
members. They range from rigid to diffuse, clear to unclear, disengaged to enmeshed
D. Normal family development
1. Marriage begins with accommodation and boundary making
2. Couples are influenced by the structure of their families of origin
3. Couples also form boundaries with their families of origin
4. The advent of children requires that the structure of the family change
E. The development of behavior disorders
1. Family dysfunction results from stress and failure to realign the structure to cope with it.
2. Disengaged families have rigid boundaries and excessive emotional distance. They fail to
mobilize to deal with the 7G&W72