How to Coach Yourself and Others Coaching Families | Page 296
VII. Psychoanalytic Family Therapy Outline by Anabella Pavon
A. Introduction
1. Many early family therapists have their roots in psychoanalytic training
2. Several psychodynamic therapists completely turned away from looking at the individual
3. 80s - family therapists looked at the individual again
4. Paradox: psychoanalysis is for the individual, family therapy the family. How can there be
Psychoanalytic family therapy?
B. Sketches of leading figures
1. Four groups of contributors to psychoanalytic family therapy - forerunners,
psychoanalytically trained pioneers, psychoanalytic ideas and thoughts when the field turned
from psychoanalytic ideas, and contemporary psychoanalytic family therapists
2. Adelaide Johnson - superego lacunae - gaps in personal morality passes on by parents
3. Erik Erikson - sociology and ego psychology
4. Wait ... There’s more - Erich Fromm predecessor of Bowen, Sullivan, Wynne, Lidz,
Acherman - strongest tie to psychoanalytic theory
5. Nathan Acherman - the psychodynamics of family life (1958) - first book dealing strictly
with diagnosis and treatment of families
6. Ivan Boszormenyi - Nagy - center of family therapy at the eastern Pennsylvania Psychiatric
7. Dicks - worked with couples in England
8. John Bowlby
C. Theoretical formulations
1. "Practical essence of psychoanalytic theory is being able to &V6