How to Coach Yourself and Others Coaching Families | Page 229

10. Proscribed Practices The proscribed practices described below are things that would not be included in a routine therapy session. It may be that on one or two occasions it is appropriate to use one of these approaches, however they must be used within a systemic framework, that is, using the guiding principles outlined at the start of this manual. Team members should monitor sessions for proscribed interventions, and record these, together with any justification, in session notes?  Section 5.8 10.1 Advice As a systemic therapist you would not usually offer direct advice to the family about their interactions or the difficulties they are experiencing. If the family ask for advice about a particular issue with which they are struggling or the therapist feels advice may be appropriate in helping the family work towards their goals, advice may be offered in a non-directive or reflexive manner. Options should be presented as choices about which the family can make their own decisions. 10.2 Interpretation Psychodynamic interpretations ab