How to Coach Yourself and Others Beware of Manipulation | Page 24

10 Types of Emotional Manipulators Source: The Online Counselling College identifies ten types of emotional manipulators: 1. The Constant Victim - This kind of individual will always finds a way to end up as a victim in their relationships. 2. The One-Upmanship Expert – This person uses put downs, snide remarks and criticisms, to show that they’re superior, and know much more than you. 3. The Powerful Dependent – They hide behind the mask of being weak and powerless – then use their helplessness to dominate relationships. That is, they send the subtle message “you must not let me down.” 4. The Triangulator – This person tries to get other people on their side. They’re quick to put you down, and to say some nast y things. They separate good friends or drive a wedge in families. 5. The Blasters – They blast you with their anger or they blow up suddenly. That stops you asking questions - in case there’s a showdown. 6. The Projector – This person thinks they’re perfect and others have the flaws. They take no ownership – because they’re never, ever wrong. 7. The Deliberate Mis-Interpreter – They seem like a nice person – but they twist and use your words. They spread misinformation and misinterpret you. Thus, they deliberately present you in a false, negative way. 8. The Flirt – This person uses flirting to get their way in life. They want to be admired and to have an audience. However, your feelings and your needs are of no concern to them. 9. The Iron Fist – They use intimidation and throw their weight around, to use you for their ends, and to get their way in life. 10. The Multiple Offender – This person uses several of the techniques we’ve described – and they’ll often switch between them if it suits their purposes. 23