How to Coach Yourself and Others Better Coaching Through Visualisation | Page 53
Emotion - Try to include emotional feelings in your images.
Refresh your memory constantly by emphasizing specific sensory
awareness (e.g. smells, the wind) during training
Control - Break down the image into small components and
visualize those components. (Sprinting - consider the action of the
arms, legs, trunk, head, feet, hands, breathing etc.)
Positive outcome - This is essential, "you only achieve what you
3. Regularity
Spending between 3 and 5 minutes on imagery seems to be most
effective. It should be included in training and time outside of
training should be spent on imagery. (10-15 minutes a day)
4. Reinforcement
The writing of imagery scripts will help you plan the content and
timing of your imagery training.
3.3 Creating a Script
1. Basic picture
Outline the basic content of the act or situation to be imagined write it in the first person (I). To describe a skill execution, make
sure you include all components of the skill to be imagined or
behaviours to be emphasised, especially if it is a complex skill. If
you are describing the events in a sport situation, include all actions
that occur in the event and the correct sequencing of all the actions.
2. Add details
Add the sensory stimuli - the descriptors (adjectives) that add colour,
detail (e.g. context, weather) and movement qualities (e.g. speed of
movement) to the original script components or events.