How to Choose a Good freestanding Portable Dance Pole With A Stage Ba How to Choose a Good freestanding Portable Dance P | Page 6

Furthermore, as with other dance poles the most important factors to consider when buying a freestanding dance pole with a platform is if it’s safe to use and will stand the test of time. Below is a more concise checklist when buying a portable dance pole stage. Freestanding Portable Dance Pole With Stage Base Quality Checklist 1. Plastic Like any dance poles, it isn’t advisable to buy a portable dance pole stage that has plastic parts in it. Plastic dance pole parts are extremely risky because they are not equipped to take on weight especially when you are doing swings and inverts. You can come crashing down and injure yourself which can hinder your career as a pole artists or pole athlete. While most stages are made of a sturdy plastic platform to walk on, the actual construction underneath and the base should be made of metal.