How to Boost Creativity with Organizational Cultural enhancement August, 2014 | Page 2
How Organizations Can Boost Creativity Through Cultural Enhancement
Businesses and organizations need creativity in order to thrive and survive in a
highly competitive environment. Creativity not only helps to earn short term profits but
also makes room for new product development and better opportunities. Team work is
one of the simplest and most common ways to foster creativity. Effective teams
facilitate empowerments and enhance the effectiveness of an entity. In addition, teams
help to celebrate diversity and its numerous benefits.
It is believed that the best way to cultivate creativity in an organization is to
allow the team to work in an interactive environment. With the advent of sophisticated
technology and its use in workplaces, organizations are now able to reap the full
benefits of teams by recruiting the best team players irrespective of their locations. This
in turn has brought forth a plethora of opportunities for enhanced creativity. Mediated
communication via telephone, video conferencing or any other mode is now enabling
individuals from different experiences, expertise and backgrounds to collaborate with
each other and make effective business decisions.
The benefits of cross fertilization, in such cases are too massive to ignore. For
each thriving organization, exposure to new and different perspectives is a proven way
to boost creativity. It is worth mentioning here that an interactive environment is
among the most highly rated constituent responsible for boosting creativity. As team
members interact with each other, they are inspired by the ideas provided by others. It
is worth mentioning here however, that those interactions among team members will
be highly dependent upon the prevalent culture in an organization. Perhaps this is the
reason why organizations which follow a more open hierarchy are more receptive
towards change and innovation. Similarly, an organization needs to ensure that the
culture is based on mutual respect among team players. In addition, organizations that
tend to resist change are unable to foster creative teams and therefore lag behind in a
competitive environment. It is necessary that a learning organization is powered by the
freedom to try new ideas and suggestions.
The most successfully innovative organizations are the ones which have a free
flowing hierarchy and have an interactive culture developed on respect. The greater the
exchange of ideas among team players, the higher will be the inspiration and hence
better the results. Although such traits are difficult to implement in every business and
industry, companies with a far sighted strategic vision can choose the best traits and
nourish them in a manner that suits their business the best. For each organization, the
aim should be to enhance the collective creativity of teams through cultural
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