How To Become an Entrepreneur From a Salaried Person 1 | Page 3

executed on time . Get in touch with big industry leaders and mentors to get the right direction . They are people which will provide you the right direction when things are not going according to the plan . Mentors have experienced all that we are trying to execute ; hence their guidance will allow us not to make the same mistakes . We can do effective decision making with the help of our mentors . Arrange finances and make contingency plan . Both of these things are very important before you quit your job . You must identify what is the worst that can happen and how will you manage that . Moreover , even if the business is growing , extra financing will be needed . So think hard that how will these prospected problems will be handled .
After you have planned , financed , found the mentor and made contingency plan , it is the time for you to give a shot . If today you are not going to make your dream true , someone else will start capitalizing on your dream .
Reference : http :// www . researchomatic . com / a-successful-entrepreneur-with-asuccessful-business-154878 . html