How Stress Can Affect Your Oral Health? 7 Effects of Stress on Your Oral Health | Page 2
7 Effects of Stress on Your Oral
Stress is a vital cause for different kinds of health problems, oral health is no
exception. Extreme levels of stress can severely deteriorate the oral health.
It increases the risk of tooth decay and also contributes to teeth grinding,
dry mouth, gum disease, and canker sores. Thus in this article, we will
discuss the effects of stress on the oral health of a person.
While sleeping, if a person grinds their teethit is a common oral health problem
which may lead to a sore jaw, headache, and damage to the teeth.
There is a disorder in temporomandibular joints due to stress, the joints move
the lower jaw and are located just below the ear. This kind of disorder may be
caused due to swelling or stiffness in these joints.