How Mentalists Read Your Mind The Art Of Cold Reading or Mind Reading | Page 94

"You are very much concerned about your children - one in particular. This child presents many problems to you - in fact, I see your reference and words, 'problem child'. I do believe much of this condition can be overcome by you thru a better understanding and greater affection toward the child. I am sure, with the passing of time, this child will grow to adulthood, and later in life make you very proud of him." "Do not try to suppress the plans of your daughter (or son) in this planned marriage. Any interference on your part will be greatly resented and only complicate nature. I urge a 'hands off policy and I am sure everything will work out alright." ************* "Madame, you are well aware of the marital situation in your home. It is apparent that you are very much dissatisfied with conditions, and you don't know which way to turn. I am not going to advise you what to do, but I will say that with the passing of each day you are approaching a climax, which your better judgment will dictate the best and proper course for you to follow. Happiness is the birthright of everyone – and it will come to you sooner than you think". ************* "With the advent of a new cycle, which you are about to enter, your path will bring you into sunlight, and spiritual warmth that you never expected to know. Great spiritual riches are in store for you. Much of the disappointments, trial and tribulations will be overshadowed by this great new experience." ************ "My friend, early in your childhood, I can see you falling. You may not even recall this particular fall, but I see that it has left a mark upon you - A SCAR ON YOUR LEFT KNEE! Are you aware of it? If not, LOOK AND SEE NOW – or when you return home." This is a SENSATIONAL PUNCH and will hit 99 out of 100 times. It is an old gag to the 'cold reader', as it is based on the fact that practically EVERY PERSON, at some time or another, suffers a fall, and will