How Mentalists Read Your Mind The Art Of Cold Reading or Mind Reading | Page 5
Dear Reader,
Thank you for reading my introduction to mind reading.
In fact you reading these lines is no coincidence. There is a reason
for everything, you know. And the reason why you have come
across and then selected this introduction is that there is a bond
between you and the subject of this booklet. In fact, this book is
written for a very select audience, YOU belong to.
More than most people, you are interested in what makes people
tick. You love people and desire to understand them better,
because you know this will help you in your relationships and
communication with others, but also to find ways to make them
respect and love you more.
You are quite intelligent, well above average, and understand that,
since you are not a graduated psychologist, a practical approach to
the understanding of and communicating with others is what will
yield the best results. When you put your mind to understanding
and mastering something, you will go for your goal with dedication
and perseverance.
These are qualities that will be of great use to you when
assimilating the art of mind reading. On their own, they would
however not suffice. Mind reading is in fact so much more than
observing people and analyzing and understanding their behavior.
Mind reading is a skill that requires exercise in order to develop
and bloom. You can learn from a book how to swim, but only in the
water will you realize what swimming is really about.
You know this art will be of great value in achieving some of the
goals you are seeking. Thus, it will not only contribute to your
personal well feeling, but also greatly enhance the quality of your