How Mentalists Read Your Mind The Art Of Cold Reading or Mind Reading | Page 47

5 50/50 Predictions These are predictions which can only go one of two ways. The more such predictions the psychic makes, the more hits he is bound to get. 6 Factual Predictions These are simple, straightforward predictions about the medium-term future which stand a reasonable chance of coming true within the timescale mentioned. “In the year ahead I see an accident involving you or a member of your family, and broken or falling glass.” “Within the next months, there will be an unexpected expenditure of some importance.” “… There will be a change which will affect your job or career.” “You will be involved in a long journey, or a holiday, before the end of the year.” 7 Unlikely Predictions Once in a while, the psychic may also find it worthwhile to deliberately make an Unlikely prediction. If it fails, there is no harm done. If, by some outrageous fluke, it happens to come true, it affords ample opportunities for glowing PR. “Within the next month or so you will hear from someone you haven’t seen in quite a while.” “In April you will hear news of an unexpected celebration.”