something " from " these communications . The instructional processes inherent in the “ from ” approach to using media and technology in schools can be reduced to a series of simple steps :
1 ) exposing students to messages encoded in media and delivered by technology , 2 ) assuming that students perceive and encode these messages , 3 ) requiring a response to indicate that messages have been received , and 4 ) providing feedback as to the adequacy of the response .
Television and the computer are the two primary technologies used in the “ from ” approach . The findings concerning the impact of television in education can be summed up as :
• There is no conclusive evidence that television stultifies the mind .
• There is no consistent evidence that television increases either hyperactivity or passivity in children .
• There is insufficient evidence that television viewing displaces academic activities such as reading or homework and thereby has a negative impact on school achievement . The relationship between the amount of time spent viewing television and achievement test scores is curvilinear with achievement rising with 1-2 hours of television per day , but falling with longer viewing periods .
• The preponderance of the research evidence indicates that viewing violence on television is moderately correlated with aggression in children and adolescents .
• Forty years of research show positive effects on learning from television programs that are explicitly produced and used for instructional purposes .
• Most studies show that there are no significant differences in effectiveness between live teacher presentations and videos of teacher presentations .
• Television is not widely in classrooms because teachers experience difficulty in previewing videos , obtaining equipment , incorporating programs into the curriculum , and linking television programming to assessment activities .
The findings concerning the impact of computer-based instruction ( CBI ) in education can be summed up as :
• Computers as tutors have positive effects on learning as measured by standardized achievement tests , are more motivating for students , are accepted by more teachers than other technologies , and are widely supported by administrators , parents , politicians , and the public in general .
• Students are able to complete a given set of educational objectives in less time with CBI than needed in more traditional approaches .
• Limited research and evaluation studies indicate that integrated learning systems ( ILS ) are effective forms of CBI which are quite likely to play an even larger role in classrooms in the foreseeable future .