How does LASIK work

LASIK – a brief into the medical Procedure LASIK procedure is practiced by an Eye Surgeons who are trained specifically with techniques and technologies included, to operate on your eyes for visual impairment and other conditions that alter your vision. It is obvious that the patients have always been curious to know on how LASIK works as a procedure to correct the vision does. The Surgeon initiates the procedure by creating a thin corneal flap using a microkeratome, a surgical tool used by the surgeon. The surgeon then precisely strains back the corneal flap exposing the underlying corneal tissue in the eyes. The exposed corneal region allows the surgeon to implement LASER enabled surgery technique to reshape the cornea .The method is referred as Excimer Laser Ablates. The reshaping of the cornea is predetermined by the surgeon, after the initial examinations on the patient’s eyes that reveal the refractive errors that cause the impairment and loss of vision in the eyes. Before you are keen in knowing on how LASIK works in treating the error on the cornea of your eyes, you need to refer to the initial tests. It is the initial tests that the gives the surgeon in the clear indication of the refractive error that causes blurry vision and other visual problems in the eyes. The pre-operative exams are conducted and the varied parameters are derived from the results of the exams. The surgeon then takes note of the precise dimensions and measurements and are processed through the equipments to perform a thin LASER beam procedure to rectify the corneal distortion and adjust the refraction for the lens, to correct the vision. The impeccable technological aid The recent advancements through the aid of LASER guided techniques to correct the errors has given the surgeons, an extra edge in ensuring safety and accuracy on the surgical procedure. Usually the patients who seek medical attention through the process are those who suffer from Farsightedness, Shortsightedness and Astigmatism. These conditions are easily corrected through LASIK technique, which would have been a tedious and risky effort in the earlier times. Though the surgery is always successful to correct the vision and is a painless surgery procedure, there are side effects and other recovery measures that are indicated as normal by the surgeons. But fewer cases are associated with complications that lead to long lasting effects for the patients The recent advancements have been a greater advantage to the surgeons who relied on the conventional methods of using surgical equipments to adjust the cornea. The techniques and the latest technology give an easy access to the inner eyes with more preciseness than ever before. The recent times has shown LASIK as one of the safest and successful medical procedure in the history of surgical procedures being practiced by eye surgeons worldwide. For More information please visit: Call us: 212-759-9617