How does environment impact relationships? How does environment affect our decisions? | Page 2

1. The environment in which a person is in decides his choices and decisions. For example if everyone in a room does one thing, but you think that doing that is not right, you will still tend to do what everyone is doing and go with the herd.

2. Similarly, your relationships are also affected by the environment as your actions affect your relationships.

3. Your lifestyles can change with different environments.

4. The environment that you are raised in can change the way other people look at you.

5. Your personality and friend choices are different, depending on what kind of environment you were raised in. (For example, if you were raised in a poor, criminalized, neighborhood you might have a harsh, personality)

6. Environmental aspects affects relationships as the topic of relationships is mostly social as a relationship is a bond with two or more people.

7. After social it affects emotional well being as the growth of positive relationships with others and self acceptance helps us progress forward with each other.

8. You need to influence your mood when you are feeling sad with anxiety and conscience.

9. You need to impact your behavior and motivation to act.

10. Create or reduce stress. It impacts you and other people around you.