Collisto the Corn Husk Lady
by:Mia Quijano
Once there was a lady named Collitso.She had big brown eyes and soft brown hair that glowed in the sun.She always helped her tribe when they needing something.She would never put herself first she would always care.Collisto would watch the sweet loving children while their mothers fetched water from the crystal clear water and their fathers went to get meat to provide their family.
Everyone would tell her how amazing and gorgeous she looked but she would say,”thank you” sweetly and walk away.They would say her dark brown hair glowed like the sun.Her skin was as soft as a cloud they said and everyone wanted to be her friend.
Then one day she was sent to get water when she got the pail and was about scoop up the crystal clear water she caught her reflection “WOW”,she said.I look exquisite I she hesitated am the most beautiful girl anyone has ever seen.From then on she would be so narcissistic with her self.She would boast to the mothers not take care of the men or children.
Something was wrong about my village the kin of the tribe thought to himself.Everyone is moping around then something caught his eye Collisto was looking at herself and boasting and me narcissistic.The king called over for Collisto and he put a curse on her.Not know her gorgeous face went up to the stars she went on minding her own business she went to the water and looked at her self “AAAAAAAAGH!”she screamed I look hideous.She stayed in her teepee for the rest of her life and then she died there.
Now if you look up in the sky you will see a constellation that looks like a pretty woman then it will turn it the most hideous face in the stars.