How do Stars Influence Civilizations? June 2013 | Page 15

Mythology - Our Constellation Stories




Have you ever looked at the sky at and saw a constellation? Well there was a young girl that worked at the zoo,her named was April and she was 21 years old.April loved a lion named Leo. Leo loved April as a best friend. So when April was not there on a working day Leo would be so sad that she was not there.Let me tell you what he did when he was sad he would go and save people that were in danger and let me tell you how many he saved 100,000 of people.

April was at home and she was worried that he was going to get sick or get hurt by other people.Then,she thought that he was strong.So April was more related about Leo.Later at the zoo,Leo was saving little kids.He was a hero but,April didn’t know that he was a hero.

Until one day he got sick really sick ,and April got a call that said”This is the animal doc. calling” yes animal doc,what is the problem”The news is that leo the lion is really sick I’m so sorry that we have to tell you this but, Leo the lion has to put to sleep if you want to come it is fined”.I’m coming right over”.When April got there to the zoo it was to late to say bye to leo Leo was put to sleep .Then, he died and they had a funeral for the amazing leo.Once April got to the funeral she started thinking how did he get sick... and that is how the amazing leo went to the sky and made a constellation..

Amazing Leo

By Melissa

The High Top

By Caszandra