6. Another problem included fuel, as there was lack of trees on the Great Plains. If there was not enough wood, they would not be able to burn enough for heating and cooking. The solution to this problem is simple. Instead of using wood, they moved on to using buffalo and even cow dung for fuel.
7. Storytelling. Of course, storytelling itself is not a problem, but the fact that they had nothing to write down on, and nothing to help them continue these stories, teachings, proceedures, etc., was a problem. At the time, their solution for this was to memorize it completely. Later on, they learned from the Europeans to use paper and pen to jot things down.
8. Getting around was hard, and tiring by foot. So when Native Americans soon found out they could use horses to get around, they quickly realised it was definitely better transportation, as the horses aided hunts as well, and sped things up by a lot.
9. When the Europeans came, they realised how much they
were lacking. The solution to this was trading. The Natives got the
Europeans' weapons, technology and manufactured products,
while the Americans got spices and animal fur, etc. This also helped
remain peace between the two, although that peace did not last
for long.
The advantages with trading with the Europeans had advantages like easier lifestyles, different types of materials to use and more protection and alliance. The disadvantages of trading with the Europeans included some Natives becoming slaves and Europeans causing diseases between their tribe and attacks.
All of these problems played a huge part within the Plain Indians' lives, and these problems made it hard for them to survive. Every day the Indians faced a new challenge, but with the support of each other and the solutions they found to the problems they met, they made living even just a little bit easier, and managed to succeed.