How C4R and BIM 360 Provide Improvements to AEC Projects Provide Improvements to AEC Projects | Page 8

different time-zones. One of the largest advantages of C4R, which utilizes the BIM 360 Team feature for sharing the model, is the fact that once the initial model is updated, subsequent updates consist only of changes to the model rather than the need to upload a large Revit file at every update. Publishing such changes is faster and therefore immediately more useful for other team members. As Autodesk Revit is the platform required for C4R, the limitation for C4R is that it required a closed BIM (Revit only) approach. However, with increased organization using Revit as the preferred tool this is not the issue that it has been in the past. Another area to be mindful of for C4R is of course the control required to manage updates and the knock-on effects of changes to one stakeholder’s model to another stakeholder’s model. Careful monitoring of updates is therefore essential so that accountability can be tracked accordingly. To conclude, C4R’s real-time, central model environment will help to overcome and manage many of the MEP coordination challenges and risks because information is shared and available to all parties as it is added to the model. With more projects moving to C4R, the benefit of a collaboration tool that allows live collaboration rathe than file sharing is starting to make a difference to MEP projects worldwide.