Houston Independent Automobile Dealers Association October Issue: Marketing | Page 19

demo at the top of their homepage and see for yourself--> here.

Step 2: Automatically ask, remind and guide happy customers through the funnel.

You'll increase review volume and quality by establishing criteria and leveraging software to automatically guide happy customers through the process of completing a review.

Gauge their intent with one simple click. "I had a good experience." or "I had a bad experience."

Guide the happy customer to the review site(s) you care about so they can share their feedback.

Step 3: Recover unhappy customers before they vent online.

For those that chose "I had a bad experience." you’ll get a second chance by guiding unhappy customers to a mobile-responsive recovery page. You can fix their problem and sometimes even turn a bad situation into a profitable one.

Step 4: Analyze results daily for actionable insights to improve upon.

Eaah review gives insight into your customer's perceptions and an opportunity to improve. Another benefit to automation software is knowing exactly what's being said about you in real time. My clients often call me with questions about how to respond to reviews. Positive or negative, every review deserves a response.

Step 5: Turn your reviews into stories to boost social media engagement.

Many companies choose to feed their reviews into their websites. Now, there's nothing wrong with that but they're missing a big opportunity to elaborate on those stories.

Each review is a customer experience that can be revealed in a unique way. Not all will be the story of the century but, with a little storytelling skill, many of your customer's experiences can be documented either by written word, audio or video on your site and social media.

The main complaints I hear about social media marketing is not knowing what to post and/or not having enough ideas. You have a goldmine at your fingertips in telling stories about your happy customers.

Step 6: Engage employees in the review process.

The bridge to documenting those stories is your employees. They're the ones who are witness to the great experiences your customers have (often due to the employee's help) and employees alone possess the ability to capture them.

Employees who are mentioned by name in online reviews give credibility to the company. "The employee is awesome therefore the company must be awesome."

There's another important benefit of being named in a review. Customers are Googling salespeople. Reviews show near the top in search results and thereby give you and your employee authority online.

Step 7: Motivate employees with proper training, incentives and recognition.

Social selling and online reputation training programs (Kruse Control included) must always establish what's in it for the employee. Let's face it, the majority of your sales force will not necessarily see the value at first in building online reviews. There's a learning curve and addressing it sooner rather than later is crucial.

Recognize, incentivize and reward those who are enthusiastic about getting verified reviews and very often, the stragglers will realize they're missing out.

Put the formula into action

While you can't completely control what customers are saying about you online, you can do a lot more than hoping and praying.

Leveraging this proven formula to improve, protect and promote your online reputation will help your dealership (and salespeople) increase sales...and create a bulletproof groups of advocates to build your business!

By Kathi Kruse