Houston Independent Automobile Dealers Association October 2015 Issue: Sales Training | Page 17

Since he completed the class, he has been helping the people on the other side of the desk make the right decisions for their families. By changing his focus from helping himself to helping customers, he was selling more products, making more money and having more fun than he had had in many years. Even his wife had noticed the change in his attitude, his enthusiasm and, of course, his paycheck.

Whether you’re teaching a class or selling a car, those are wonderful phone calls. When someone has a memorable experience that they want others to have as well, that’s the best testimonial you can get. It’s also tangible evidence that your process is on the right track.

A Shift in Focus

So how do you ensure every customer has a memorable experience at your dealership? First, change the focus from selling cars or selling F&I products to helping customers. Give them all the information they need to make smart decisions. That requires a shared understanding of who your customers are and thoroughly learning their wants and needs.

Sometimes, I think we all tend to forget about that living, breathing human being on the other end of the phone or the other side of the desk. Selling is not about talking people into something. Selling is merely the process through which we help other human beings get what they want, so we get what we want. Your sales process should involve creating a memorable experience and a long-term relationship with customers. This can only be accomplished by identifying their wants, needs and concerns, and then providing possible solutions.

Businesses make a profit by delivering products and services that help consumers. And yes, you need to offer them at a price that generates a profitable return for your business. But ultimately, if you’re not making enough money, you’re not helping enough customers.

Next, you must dramatically change the purchase experience. We have to “Wow” the customer in every dealership interaction. Their purchase experience begins with their initial dealership contact, whether that contact is by phone, over the Internet or in person. They should have no trouble finding your number or navigating your website. They should enjoy meeting your F&I professionals, taking delivery and receiving a follow-up call. Create an atmosphere of trust that ensures every customer has a truly enjoyable and stress-free experience.

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Shift your focus away from sales and toward customer service to make buying a car at your dealership a memorable experience.