Wow! That doesn’t sound fun, does it?
Certainly, there are times and situations
where the executive team or owners
must “take charge” and, of course, they
expect and require certain levels of per-
formance. There are times when transac-
tional leadership is necessary. However,
the methods by which leaders encourage
productive performance are changing.
Transformational Leadership
In contrast, transformational leaders
inspire and motivate employees to
achieve excellent results in their work
and to become leaders themselves. This
leadership style is horizontal rather than
hierarchical. Workers are empowered
and individual goals as well as organiza-
tional goals are aligned with their unique
talents and abilities.
Transformational leaders consistently
stimulate an awareness of the mission
and vision of the organization. Open
communication is encouraged. Team
members are encouraged to participate
in creating and writing practice goals and
designing action plans to accomplish
them. In other words, team members
participate — and love it. Engagement is
The “GMP”
The more engaged team members
become, the more they care about the
development of the systems and team
members, care of patients, and the suc-
cess of the practice itself. A sense of co-
ownership is nurtured. This is great. The
doctor doesn’t have to “do it all”!
And, if team members understand and
implement “transformational” leader-
ship, they will put into place the Greatest
Management Principle (as defined by
Dr. Michael LeBoeuf). The Greatest
Management Principle is this: That
which is rewarded is repeated. This
doesn’t mean money (Although, it can be
But really, what people want more than
anything else is to have their work
acknowledged; to be appreciated; to be
recognized and valued. That is the great-
est of all rewards. And that’s what keeps
people moving forward.
If every member of the team is truly a
leader — and that includes you — then
pay attention to what others are doing
(your doctor, your teammates, and your
patients) and recognize the good things
people are doing – and say thanks. You
will solidify that behavior and people will
do more of those things. “That which is
rewarded is repeated.”
The team will always reflect the leader-
ship. You are a leader. The team will
reflect you.
You are a leader of yourself.
You are a leader of your teammates.
You are a leader of your patients.
Set the bar high.
“Example is leadership.”
– Albert Schweitzer
Cathy Jameson is the
founder of Jameson Man-
agement, an international
dental management, mar-
keting and hygiene coach-
ing firm. The Jameson
Method of Management,
developed by Cathy, offers proven management
and marketing systems for helping organizations
improve their workflow and efficiency in a positive,
forward-thinking culture. Cathy earned a bache-
lor’s degree in education from the University of
Nebraska at Omaha and then a master’s
degree in psychology from Goddard College. She
received her doctorate from Walden University.
Cathy has been named one of the Top 25 Women
in Dentistry as well as being the recipient of the
second Lifetime Achievement Award from the
American Association of Dental Office Managers
in 2014. Cathy has been named a Leader in CE
by Dentistry Today multiple times, including
in 2019.
She considers herself a lifelong learner and en-
courages those around her to be in a constant
state of study, growth, and action. She is the au-
thor of several books, including her latest title;
Creating a Healthy Work Environment.
Know the value of your practice
(713) 535-9088 |
Jeremy Brown JD, Joe Piazza DDS, Terry Watson DDS, & Frank Brown JD
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