cover feature
Apex Dental Partners:
Reimagining Private Practice
by Tina Cauller
Thirty years ago, nearly all dentists owned and oper-
ated a solo practice. Records were stored in manila file
folders, x-rays were on film, and the internet was
barely a thing. The path to success was narrowly pre-
scribed by tradition – follow it and enjoy a rewarding
professional career leading to a secure, contented
retirement. However, with the rapid changes taking
place in dentistry, following historical norms no
longer make sense for many dentists.
It’s true, the face of dentistry is changing. A greater number of
dentists are retiring than are graduating, the median age of den-
tists is shifting downward, and more women are entering the
field than ever before. At the same time, rapid changes in den-
tistry have created new, complex challenges for practice owners,
who must now develop competence in various kinds of
advanced clinical technology, IT, staff management, digital
marketing, and HIPAA and OSHA compliance. Owners must
respond to evolving patient expectations and pressures on prof-
itability. With the growing need to be a jack-of-all-trades, it’s
hard for dentists to focus on or excel in any one area, and nearly
impossible to devote undivided attention to clinical excellence.
In response to the challenges presented by this changing indus-
try landscape, more and more dentists are exploring alterna-