Houston Dentistry Volume 1 Issue 3 The Texas Center for Occlusal Studies | Seite 21
Following is a list of some of the sources
of that information, with a few tips on
how to control its availability.
Dental Licensure. The Texas Board of
Dental Examiners makes publicly available a list of all licensed dentists, which is
searchable through their website. This list
includes not only your license number and
date of issuance, but your address, dental
school you graduated from, birth year, and
a history of disciplinary action. There isn’t
a way around this, but use your business
address instead of your home address.
NPI Number(s). All HIPAA-covered entities must use an NPI number for HIPAA
standard transactions. Most dentists will
have a personal (Type 1) NPI number
which is tied to their social security number, as