Housing Handbook Collin College Resident Handbook05-08-2020 | Page 56

Purpose Statement Through its campuses, centers, and programs Collin College fulfills community and industry needs and its statutory charge by providing: • • • • • • • Academic courses in the arts and sciences to transfer to senior institutions. Programs leading to baccalaureate degrees, associate degrees or certificates, including technical programs, designed to develop marketable skills and promote economic development. Continuing adult education programs for academic, professional, occupational, and cultural enhancement. Developmental education and literacy programs designed to improve the basic skills of students. A program of student support services, including counseling and learning resources, designed to assist individuals in achieving their educational and career goals. Workforce, economic, and community development initiatives designed to meet local and state needs. Other purposes as may be directed by the Board and/or the laws of the State of Texas. Mission Statement Collin County Community College District is a student- and community- centered institution committed to developing skills, strengthening character, and challenging the intellect. Vision Statement Delivering a brighter future for our students and communities. Core Values We have a passion for: Learning Service and Involvement Creativity and Innovation Academic Excellence Dignity and Respect Integrity