House of travel UK & Ireland Brochure 2017 | Page 6

SEE ALL OF LONDON FROM INCREDIBLE HEIGHTS. O N LY F R O M T H E C I T Y ’ S HIGHEST OPEN AIR V I E W I N G P L ATF O R M AT T H E S H A R D. Book now to experience: S p e c t a c u l a r v i e w s f ro m t h e to p o f We s te r n E u ro p e’ s tallest building at 310m. Unrivalled 360° panoramic views, stretching over 40 miles of London’s skyline. Informative digital telescopes taking you through the capital’s past, present and future. Remarkable lift speeds of 6 meters per second to reach our views. Free multilingual audio and visual guides. No time limit to your visit. THEVIEWFROMTHESHARD.COM LONDON BRIDGE D #SHARDVIEW