Touring by Rental Car
Driving in the UK
Exploring England , Ireland , Scotland and Wales is easy . In the countryside , the roads are excellent , well signposted and largely toll free . Distances between towns are short and driving is on the left-hand side of the road , same as in New Zealand .
Choosing your Rental Car
Take into consideration the size of the vehicle you require . We strongly recommend a minimum 1.4 litre for two adults . If the vehicle is to be used for day touring from a central base and not for transporting your luggage , a smaller vehicle may be adequate . We suggest you book your car before leaving home as this will save money and ensure you get the car of your choice .
© Britainonview Rod Edwards
Emergency Roadside Assistance
While each vehicle is serviced and cared for individually there may be an instance that you need some assistance . You can rest assured that in many countries throughout Europe , Hertz provides Emergency Roadside Assistance 24 hours a day , 365 days a year .
Hertz NeverLost
Hertz NeverLost satellite navigation system is available across 15 countries in Europe and 300 locations , and with its seamless crossborder capability , it is ideal for independent travellers who like to know where they are going . The system has extensive , detailed mapping , a wide , easy-to-use full-colour touch-screen that provides access to turnby-turn directions to points of interest including hotels and petrol stations , simply by touching an icon .
Things to think about :
•• What driver ’ s licence is needed
•• Minimum age requirements ( varies from country to country )
•• Additional driver fees
•• Deposits
•• One way rental fees
•• Optional equipment eg . child seats , roof racks
•• Non waivable excess
•• Fuel policy
When you collect your car Hertz will take an imprint of your credit card as security . This can be between £ 200- £ 500
Collision Damage Waiver & Theft Protection Insurance are included - you may be offered additional insurance options when you pick up your car
There really is only one way to see the best of the UK & Ireland - SELF DRIVE . With a modern fleet , competitive prices and friendly service you can enjoy everything UK & Ireland has to offer from the comfort of a l-lertz rental vehicle . Start your adventure today .
Travelling at the Speed of /.l ertz ™