House of travel Rest of Australia | Page 35
Experience Tasmania
Our favourite things to see and do
Salamanca Place & Battery Point – Salamanca Place,
famous for its markets every Saturday and Battery Point with
its Georgian cottages, art and craft shops and restaurants.
Mona – The Museum of Old and New Art. Filled with
antiques, modern and contemporary art from the David
Walsh collection. Just 15 minutes from Hobart on the shore
of the River Derwent.
© Tourism Tasmania
Food & Wine – Tasmania is a great place to learn about and
try fresh produce. Head to the farmers’ markets and local
eateries to experience Tasmania’s fine produce. Tasmania’s
cool climate, mild summers and long autumn days, make
perfect conditions for wine making. Be sure to take on a
wine route and find out why we love their wines so much.
Nature and Wildlife – A treasure trove of natural wonders,
beautiful landscapes, unique plants and wildlife. From
alpine ranges, wetlands and rainforests. Look out for
Australian fur seals, bottle nosed dolphins and penguins,
which are seen all year round. Depending on the time of
year you are visiting, you will also see platypus, Tasmanian
devils, southern right whale and the humpback whale.
© Tourism Tasmania
Outdoor and Adventure – Over one third of Tasmania
is national park, reserve or World Heritage protected
wilderness, so you will have plenty to see and do. Go
mountain biking, fishing or play golf at two of the top 100
golf courses in the world.
© Tourism Tasmania
Walking – Tasmania is a walker’s paradise, known for its
world famous walks like the Overland Track, Wineglass Bay
and the South Coast Track.
West Coast Wilderness Railway – Journey through
rugged terrain and step back in time and relive history on
this majestic steam train. Depart from both Queenstown
Station and the Regatta Point Station in Strahan for a unique
Tasmanian Heritage and Wilderness Experience.
© Tourism Tasmania
© Tourism Tasmania
Low Rocky
283 245 182 165 204 368 414
292 101 46 324 147 385 79 179
286 247 184 167 206 370 399
77 318 141 379 175 138
279 103 341 125 223
199 101 402 301
259 225 271
463 381
289 Coles Bay 35 292 Cradle Mountain 283 101 286 Sorell Devonport 245 46 247 77 Nubeena
Port Arthur Hobart 182 324 184 318 279 Laucenston 165 147 167 141 103 199 Port Arthur 204 385 206 379 341 101 259 Stanley 368 79 370 175 125 402 225 463
Strahan 414 179 3