House of travel Inspire magazine march | Page 25

Trafalgar: In a nutshell: Whatever your travel style, Trafalgar will help you see more of the world. With a focus on unique cultural immer- sion and local experiences, tours are led by passionate Travel Directors and shaped by 70 years of expertise. 4. 6. GOOD COMPANY SENSORY OVERLOADS There are no strangers by day two. Just friends. From welcome meetings to ice-breakers, you’ll be encouraged to talk. Quick-fire question sheets ensure guests ask one another about their occupa- tions and hobbies, while name tags make it easy to strike up a conversation. Trafalgar also promotes a ‘seat rotation’ policy which creates an oppor- tunity to talk with somebody new each day. You can still sit with your travelling companion, but you’ll also make many more friends along the way. From spectacular scenery to must-see landmarks and the smell of hot crepes sizzling in sugar and lemon, every day is a pleasure state for the senses. Stop for cheese at food markets heaving with produce, or pick up a crunchy baguette from alfresco cafés fronting the waterfront. Indulge in artwork, get acquainted with long forgotten histories, or simply sit and pen an old fashioned postcard to your family. Trafalgar is all about indulging your dopamine. 5. BE MY GUEST EXPERIENCES Far removed from tourist hubs, guests are invited to dine with locals, often in their own homes, as part of Trafalgar's Be My Guest dining experi- ences. In Provence, we headed to La Bastide Rose on the Sorgue River, where Emmanuelle served us a three course Provençal dinner in the heart of his family home. Sat just off the kitchen, we ate with no other guests but ourselves, while our host busied himself with huge pots of poached pears and enormous bottles of Pernod. All the while regaling us with witty anecdotes and tales of French despair. TRAFALGAR'S HIG HLIG HTS OF F R A N C E A N D BARCE LO NA COV E RS 3 COU NT RI E S A ND 1 5 CI T I E S I N 1 0 DAYS. DESTIN ATION S THAT IN SP IR ED ARTISTS A N D T HEIR MAST ER PIEC ES V I A A ROU T E T H AT CU TS T H ROU G H T H E H E A RT O F F RA NCE A N D N ORTHER N SPAIN . TO BOOK , C OME IN STO RE , CA L L 08 00 7 1 3 7 1 5 O R V I S I T H OT.CO. NZ . P RI CE : F RO M N Z $ 3550 p * p . HOUS E OF T R AVE L  |   INS PIR E IS S UE 0 1. 20 17   2 5