House of travel Hawaii Brochure 2017 | Page 8


Hawai ‘ i

As your plane begins its descent , you lean forward in your seat , hoping to catch a glimpse of the emerald and iconic volcanic peak known as Diamond Head , rearing out of the ocean and fringed with white sand . The moment you step off the plane you know you ’ ve arrived in the right place – the air is warm and has that languid feel that you only find in the tropics . Then , as if to reassure you further , you ’ re greeted , not by the usual nod from a customs official , but with a brilliant smile and a welcoming ‘ aloha ’. It ’ s a greeting you ’ ll hear a hundred times a day in Hawai ‘ i , and one which you ’ ll find yourself slipping into your own language as you melt into the rhythm of the islands . Hello , goodbye , peace , love and happiness – all sentiments that suit the Hawaiian lifestyle perfectly . With its Polynesian heritage , it ’ s easy to imagine that New Zealand would be like this if it had the good fortune to be dragged a few hundred miles closer to the equator .
It ’ s the sort of destination that makes you want to try new things . Fancy learning to surf ? You ’ ll find a beginner-sized wave somewhere on any given day , and there ’ s no shortage of patient instructors to get you up and riding . Or learn a new artform or custom from the Islands of Aloha . The friendly Hawaiian locals will be only too happy to share their stories and the strong spiritual connection between Hawai ‘ i and New Zealand . One thing is certain – on your last night , as you watch the sun sink into the Pacific , you ’ ll wish you could dally a little longer .