House of Pereira To Walk Under Palm Trees | Page 75

“ Eine Reise durch die Deutschen Kolonien ” Verlag Kolonialpolitischer Zeitschriften GmbH , Berlin 1911
The building commissions Stünzner completed , as recorded by his family , include the Apia Courthouse , the Apia Hospital , the Apia Observatory ( destroyed by fire ), the Casino Hotel , DH & PG buildings at Sogi ( later
Westec ), the Lands & Survey building ( originally Sabiel Chemist ), the O . F . Nelson store ( destroyed by fire in 1946 ), homes for the Stünzner , Thieme , Hanneman and Haaben families , and the Tuaefu , Solosolo and Fugalei bridges . This photo shows the original Courthouse building .
| To Walk Under Palm Trees - The Germans in Samoa : Snapshots from Albums | Tony Brunt