House of Pereira To Walk Under Palm Trees | Page 70

After his return from Germany with the matai group in 1924 , Fatu Frost corresponded with Aiono Dr Erich Schultz until the latter ’ s death on 24 June , 1935 . Contact between the Schultz and Frost families ended when Fatu died in January 1956 . ( For more biographical information and photography of Dr Schultz see pages 194-196 ).
After more than half a century , descendants of both families met again in Samoa in 2012 . Mrs Aniva Gesine Lefmann , Dr Schultz ’ granddaughter , met Fatu ’ s son , Leaupepe Frederick Frost . Mrs Lefmann confirmed during her visit that the laulau fesilafaiga ( ava bowl ), fue ( orator ’ s whisk ) and to ’ oto ’ o lauga ( orator ’ s stick ) used in the Berlin saofai were still in the Schultz family ’ s possession . As a further strengthening of family bonds , Mr and Mrs Lefmann and Leaupepe met again in Germany in 2015 .
| To Walk Under Palm Trees - The Germans in Samoa : Snapshots from Albums | Tony Brunt