House of Pereira To Walk Under Palm Trees | Page 67

Von Luckner , his old friend from Motuihe days , visited Fatu and his wife , Ida ( nee Burgess ), in 1938 on a world-wide cruise aboard his personal yacht “ Seeteufel .” This photograph shows von Luckner , his wife , Lady Ingeborg , and Mrs Ida Frost , who is on the right beside von Luckner .
The Frosts had many children , including a son who Fatu named Schultz .
The taupou pictured was Fuatino Koke Aiono , of Fasito ’ o , who later in life was a prominent teacher of Samoan culture in the education system . Behind von Luckner appears to be Mrs Mary Wetzell ( nee Mann ) with son Fred on the left .
Riethmaier Family Collection
| To Walk Under Palm Trees - The Germans in Samoa : Snapshots from Albums | Tony Brunt