House of Pereira To Walk Under Palm Trees | Page 47

Reye Family Collection
This Reye family photo taken outside their Moto ’ otua home in 1927 shows ( left-to-right ): at back Egbert , unknown girl , Alvine ; at front Ernst & Margaretta , granddaughter baby Elma , Raimund ’ s Australian wife Ruby ( nee Thompson ), Raimund & unknown girl . The other sons , Ernst Jnr and Volrad , were in Australia at the time of the photograph . They were training for the ministry at the Avondale Seventh Day
Adventist College , Cooranbong . Ernst Reye had become an Adventist as the result of visits from Edith and Pastor H . T . Howse in 1919 . Daughter Alvine became a nurse but all four sons entered the ministry . Raimund Reye was appointed Superintendent of the Samoa SDA Mission in 1925 , serving until 1947 ( with a break for war-time internment and community parole in New Zealand between 1942-45 ).
| To Walk Under Palm Trees - The Germans in Samoa : Snapshots from Albums | Tony Brunt