House of Pereira To Walk Under Palm Trees | Page 229

Reinhold Hofmann Biography – 5
Alfred Schultz Album , photographer Reinhold Hofmann
Reinhold Hofmann spent 5 years and 3 months in internment until he left Narrowneck Camp on parole in December 1919 to live at the home of G . Reiman , in Brixton Rd , Mt Eden . By his own account , his health was “ gravely shaken ” by such a long period in captivity . He wrote that internment had “ got on my nerves and I still feel unable to face living in Camp again .” The NZ Government granted him a per diem allowance of 2 shillings a week for living costs . The fate of Mr Hofmann ’ s cameras and photographic plates is unknown .
Mrs Mary Stünzner on Motuihe Island with Albrecht and Trude ( See Chapter 5 ‘ The Saga of the Stünzners ’).
| To Walk Under Palm Trees - The Germans in Samoa : Snapshots from Albums | Tony Brunt