House & Garden Growers Journal 2017 May 2017 | Page 6
All House & Garden base A&B are composed of pure liquid base elements, unlike most other “premium”
nutrients on the market that are mixed up powders and bulking agents. Because H&G only use a liquid
mineral base, this ensures plants can uptake all the available food without having to separate out the unusable
compounds. All our base nutrients are made with computer controlled precision, slighted heated during mixing
for extended periods of time to ensure all essential compounds are blended to perfection. All nutrients are batch
tested in our state of the art factory in Holland to ensure the outstanding quality H&G is renowned for. Our base
nutrients come in three variations - Hydro / Cocos / Soil, to accomodate the various substrates available.
H&G base nutrients A&B are used for GROW & BLOOM
eliminating the extra cost & need for 2 separate sets.
H&G is so concentrated that you might even find that you use
half the amount of H&G than your old nutrient brand.
W W W. H O U S E - G A R D E N . C O M . A U