House & Garden Growers Journal 2017 May 2017 | Page 42

GROW ROOM ETIQUETTE WHY ITS IMPORTANT TO BE CLEAN The ultimate lesson for new growers is that cleanliness is key. Prevention of pest and disease infestation is significantly easier then fixing a problem in an enclosed environment. It’s imperative that you keep all floors, surfaces, tools, equipment and clothing clean and disinfected throughout a crop. Here are some other aspects of growroom etiquette to keep your harvest happy and healthy. 1. Disinfect tools and pots before each use: Use isopropyl alcohol or alcohol wipes to thoroughly clean all tools and equipment before each use. It’s worth having a separate set of tools specifically for your growing environment. Scalpels, scissors, pruning shears and your hands are all effective vectors for pests and pathogens. Try to prevent cross contamination by sterilising tools in between different rooms, plants and varieties. Always wash your hands (and shoes) before entering a sealed growing environment! 2. As a good life lesson, always wear clean clothes! Depending on your circumstances it can be useful to keep a sterile/clean pair of clothes or shoes only for use in your growroom. In commercial greenhouses, all staff are required to wear protective cotton jackets and hairnets to prevent any potential contamination. 37 W W W. H O U S E - G A R D E N . C O M . A U