House Cleaning Tips - How To Clean Your Home House cleaning tips- How to clean your home | Page 9
7.0 Cleaning Hacks for Your Home That Will Make Your Life Easier
Do you ever feel like the chores around your home never end? How many times have you lost
hours handling tricky cleanups that you just couldn’t resolve? If this is the case then you are in
the right place — we have composed a list to resolve these issues definitively. Among these
tips, you will find resolutions for the most persistent and time-wasting cleaning problems.
They’ll save you time and help you avoid getting annoyed.
1. Use kosher salt and lemons to clean your chopping board without leaving any chemicals.
2. Baking soda can be a great solution for cleaning your sofa.
3. Vinegar and baking soda can be a great combo for cleaning your oven.
4. Use a razor to remove paint from clothes.
5. Clean your blinds with 50-50 vinegar and water mixture and an old sock.
6. Use your hairdryer to remove water rings from wooden surfaces and refresh them with olive
7. Oil stains can be removed from the carpet with baking soda.
8. Use lemons to remove stains from faucets.
9. Use one teaspoon of liquid soap, a few drops of antibacterial oils, and baking soda mixed
with water to create a paste to clean the tub with.