House Cleaning Tips - How To Clean Your Home House cleaning tips- How to clean your home | Page 5
Clutter is distracting, and research confirms that it can actually affect your ability to focus:
Looking at too many things at once overloads your visual cortex and interferes with your brain's
ability to process information, the Journal of Neuroscience reports. De-cluttering your desk will
pay off at work, but the benefits don't stop there. "Often, the greatest barrier to healthy habits
is a lack of time,"."When you're organized at work, you're more productive and efficient, which
means you're able to finish at a reasonable time and go home. This leaves you with the time
you need to exercise, prepare a healthy meal, relax, and get more sleep." (Want more? These 9
"Time Wasters" Are Actually Productive.)
It Can Help You Lose Weight
"Being organized enables you to be more mindful about what you're putting in your body,”.
Being healthy requires forethought, organization, and preparation. When you're organized,
you're more likely to plan your meals, stock up on nutritious foods, and prep things like fruits
and vegetables to make healthy eating more likely. "Otherwise, people have no choice but to
eat what's readily available, like the packaged and fast foods that lead to obesity.
It Will Help You Sleep Better
Less mess equals less stress, which naturally results in better sleep. But keeping your bedroom
neat may benefit your slumber in other ways: People who make their beds every morning are
19 percent more likely to report regularly getting a good nights' rest, and 75 percent of people
said they got a better night's sleep when their sheets were fresh and clean because they were
physically more comfortable, according to a survey by the National Sleep Foundation. In
addition to fluffing your pillows and washing your sheets, these experts recommend staying
organized up until bedtime: Chaos throughout your day can lead you to bring last-minute tasks-
such as paying bills and writing e-mails-into your bedroom. This can cause you to stay up longer
and make it more difficult to nod off. A more organized life can help you make your bedroom a
sanctuary for rest.
5.0 Regular Cleaning is good for Your Heart and Soul
If the average person spends up to 90 percent of their time indoors, we are breathing in dust
mites, pet dander, pollen, mold, bug skeletons, and toxins from such innocuous sources as
conventional cleaning products and even chemicals emitted from our own clothing and
bedding. These toxins manifest themselves as symptoms most people attribute to allergies such
as itchy eyes, runny nose, and wheezing, but which should actually be blamed on an unclean
house. A clean house isn't just "nice to have," it's actually a necessity for good mental and
physical health.