HotelsMag October 2019 | Page 21

The spa at Chablé Resort & Spa , in Mexico ’ s Yucatan peninsula , is constructed around a cenote , a pond or sinkhole formed from the collapse of limestone bedrock .

When it comes to wellness and travel , affluent consumers are looking for more than experiences . The next evolutionary step : transformation . Better sleep . Detox . Weight loss . Or just a better sense of well-being . “ The trouble with experiences per se is that they finish ,” says London-based luxury brand consultant Piers Schmidt . “ But if you can return from a trip somehow changed , with a program , methods or skills , that would be an ultimate value .”

Destination spas have been around for decades , but independent investors and operators are jumping in to cater to stress-induced , sleep-deprived consumers seeking a way to gain the insights that can elevate their lives . Investors have pumped hundreds of millions of dollars into many of the sector ’ s leading businesses , according to a 2018 Horwath report , “ The Complexities of Delivering Transformational Travel Experiences .”
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