HotelsMag October 2013 | Page 20



Tony and Jason Potter


Poor guest contact can have a negative effect on a hotel ’ s reputation , and Tony and Jason Potter , joint founders of Malta-based consultancy Braveagle , noted several key problem areas including having no sense of arrival , staff having private conversations in front of guests and a lack of eye contact with guests .
“ It is as much about employing for and developing attitude and changing behavior than training in technical skills ,” the Potters wrote . “ It also needs owners and management that care enough to manage by walking around and getting involved .”
The blog post received a lot of positive comments . “ Gents , you hit it on the nail . I think that in our all too fast-paced world we tend to forget to ‘ stop and smell the roses ,’” wrote Harden Perry III , director of quality and style , Renaissance World Golf Village Resort , St . Augustine , Florida .
Read the full blog post : hotelsm . ag / 19K6YgU
Bart Berkey


Is there a deluge of emails in your inbox ? Email overflow is a daily challenge for HOTELS editors as well as HOTELSMag . com blogger Bart Berkey , senior corporate director , global sales office , Eastern region , The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Co .
“ I spent this past weekend going through more than 400 emails ,” Berkey wrote . “ Originally I created a folder called ‘ a folder that needs attention ’ so I would not misplace anything important . After a few months , when this folder became too full , I created another called ‘ a folder that really needs attention ’! At this point , everything requires attention .”
In response , Christine Wight , leisure sales manager for Vail Marriott Mountain Resort , wrote , “ After I send an email that warrants a response I place the sent email in a folder named ‘ Awaiting Response .’ This comes in handy with the serial non-responders .”
Shan Kanagasingham


Two years ago Shan Kanagasingham took over the general manager position at The Surrey , the 189-room hotel on New York City ’ s Upper East Side , and has prioritized creating a service culture as well as making herself accessible to guests . “ New York is not known for service , I ’ m embarrassed to say ,” Kanagasingham told HOTELS . “ I always tell my employees , there ’ s nothing sweeter than a guest hearing their name . I think it ’ s as simple as that . It ’ s the personalization and the customization .”
Read the full blog post : hotelsm . ag / 14Ax5pL
Read the full interview : hotelsm . ag / 1ckXkFK
18 HOTELS October 2013 www . hotelsmag . com