Special RepoRt
The Tollman clan on safari in Botswana .
children and whatever they could carry . Today , they own and operate a collection of 20 luxury hotels in the U . K . and Europe , South Africa ( including the Oyster Box , where the couple had their first date ), the United States and Botswana .
To this day , the two are never apart , according to daughter Vicki , who along other two other siblings are carrying on the family hospitality tradition . And that is just how Bea , now in her 80s , and 90-year-old Stanley , most always sporting a red carnation in his lapel , want it .
“ You have your ups and downs in business , but you stick together , face everything and you just work with a determination ,” Tollman tells HOTELS . “ And I suppose that ’ s the most important thing , the determination and creating high standards . It has been a very , very busy life . But you don ’ t realize how much you can do in your life . You can ’ t complain ; you just get on with it and do it . We ’ ve worked this way for many years .”
For her dedication , endless energy and creation of an admired hotel portfolio , the readers of HOTELS voted Beatrice Tollman the 2020 Corporate Hotelier of the World .
Long days , nights In the early days of her career , she remembers going to the back of the coal stoves to stoke the flames . “ I taught a scullery boy how to do desserts . He became the best dessert maker , using my own ice cream ,” says Tollman , who grew up in South Africa as a champion tennis player , a soprano singer and a well-regarded piano player . “ You ’ d make sure the food was right , and that the guests liked it . You just cared about everything .”
Those early years in Johannesburg were filled with lessons and her desire to become a true professional in the kitchen . Stanley managed the business affairs and was often found in the front of the house greeting guests .
The couple opened the Oxford hotel in suburban Johannesburg , followed by the
Stanley and
Beatrice Tollman in the early days of their marriage in South Africa
Hyde Park Hotel . By 1969 they had opened Tollman Towers , a high-rise boutique with 70 suites , where Tollman also did much of the interior design work , using antiques she sourced during her travels .
It was at this time that she began jotting hand-written notes to every guest and reading every guest comment card to enhance offerings and improve service . She still engages in both practices to this day , she says .
The couple created a reputation for fine F & B service as they grew their portfolio . “ We had long days and long nights ,” Tollman recalls . “ I had four children under 8 , and I was working in the kitchens . I took the kids back and forth to school and went
28 hotelsmag . com November / December 2020