HotelsMag November-December 2020 | Page 18

Small box . Big entertainment .

SMARTBOX ® is a microwave-sized box capable of powering any entertainment platform while delivering 96 HD channels to your entire property through your existing infrastructure .
Discover true efficiency . SMARTBOX takes up 93 % less space and consumes 90 % less power than previous DISH systems .
Entertainment made easy . SMARTBOX integrates with your current network . No costly rewires necessary .
EVOLVE ® your entertainment . Upgrade to EVOLVE , a premium entertainment platform that pairs seamlessly with SMARTBOX and integrates perfectly with your existing in-room TVs .
Netflix built-in . DISH is the only national pay-TV provider to have Netflix built-in to a hotel entertainment platform .
Netfl ix streaming membership required .
Chromecast built-in . Let your guests cast their favorite content on your TV .
Chromecast built-in is a trademark of Google LLC .
Get free programming for your first two months . Pay no upfront equipment costs .
Off er ends 12 / 31 / 20 . Early termination fee applies . Commitment required and other restrictions apply .
Visit dish . com / hotels