HotelsMag May 2022 | Page 33

difficult to change because they are outside of the direct control of the corporation .
Consumers , too , care about sustainability . A Nielsen study found that 75 % of millennial and Generation Z consumers , and 51 % of baby boomers , are willing to spend more for sustainable products and services .
STEPPING UP THE PATH TO NET ZERO Hospitality brands have an urgent opportunity to differentiate their brands through green renovations and construction of new properties , as well as sustainable management practices . Many once-innovative strategies , such as individual thermostats for each room , have become standard practice in newer hotels . Now , the challenge is to go beyond baseline practices to more advanced sustainability strategies .
The following are six beyond-the-basics steps to take toward net-zero carbon emissions .
1 . Embed sustainability goals into new construction and renovations . In the initial design and planning phases of a new construction project , embedding energy , water and waste reduction principles into every decision can support sustainability goals , and also drive efficiency and optimize building performance . While some net-zero strategies can only be implemented on a ground-up basis , others can be applied even to older hotels .
2 . Site new construction with sunshine in mind . Orienting a hotel to maximize the sun ’ s warmth in cooler climates or minimize its strength in hot zones can help reduce energy needed for heating and cooling . Concurrently , allowing for plentiful natural light is another potential energy-saver .
3 . Incorporate passive heating and cooling strategies . Innovative design and construction strategies can be used in new buildings to reduce energy usage without mechanical means . Building shape and massing , for instance , can enhance natural shading and daylighting . Passive ventilation strategies , such as built-in stack ventilation and solar chimneys , can draw hot air from a building without the use of mechanical ventilation systems . Also , buildings can be designed to enhance natural air flows created by wind to enable passive ventilation throughout occupied spaces .
4 . Incorporate green building materials into new construction and renovations . Yesterday ’ s carbon-intensive building materials are increasingly being replaced by sustainable solutions for everything from the façade and windows to carpets and wall coverings . For example , some manufacturers are recycling old materials like carpet , concrete and wallcovering , and creating products from rapidly renewable commodities such as bamboo . Mass timber is increasingly replacing carbon-intensive concrete construction in locations around the world . Using locally sourced materials also reduces carbon emissions by avoiding long shipping routes .
5 . Adopt high-efficiency smart building systems . Today ’ s highly efficient , smart building systems reduce energy waste through continuous self-adjustment . While easier to deploy during new construction projects , smart building systems can be retrofit into standing hotels . In fact , a renovation period is the ideal time to invest in an HVAC retrofit , boiler upgrade , or intelligent lighting systems — activated via motion sensors — that dramatically reduce energy costs . Submetering enhancements drive valuable data analytics approaches , allowing owners to target future capital projects where they can make the most impact .
6 . Purchase renewable energy . Some leading hotel brands are purchasing some or all of their energy from renewable sources . For properties under construction , implementation of onsite renewable
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