HotelsMag May 2022 | Page 28

Entrance to Cas Gasi
• Soil is undisturbed so its organisms can work and multiply
• Organisms are fed with organic matter on the surface , as in nature , but faster . Nutrients become available when needed by plants through a combination of air and soil temperatures beginning high enough for photosynthesis to happen .
• No dig increases the ability of plants to find food - it ’ s about biology ( such as fungi ) more than chemistry ( nutrients / minerals ). It ’ s about feeding the soil , not the plants . during the summer season , the hotel hosts farm-to-table evenings for selected guests on the long tables among the olive trees . “ Everybody is very excited to see vegetables as protagonists on the plate and discover new , wonderful tastes ,” von Korff says .
Von Korff is dedicated to reducing noise pollution and Cas Gasi promotes sustainable and clean working habits , going back to the simple broom and pruning scissors . The property has acquired a large , silent shredding machine to shred the pruning waste for the new composting plant with the ultimate aim of creating a perfect circular economy at Cas Gasi .
“ We have to act individually to fight back the exploitation of resources in this world ,” von Korff says . “ There is too much consumption of everything , and everybody knows that this cannot last . Collective movements are good , but political . Individual actions are the real thing .” Von Korff has never made Cas Gasi ’ s sustainability-driven actions a unique selling point , as it is a core foundation of the 12-room hotel that she says just felt natural . “ Now , so many years later , a growing consciousness for healthy , sustainable food practices has flooded the industry and now every new restaurant or establishment opening is ‘ organic ’ and ‘ farm to table ,’” she says . “ This new awareness is very positive . However , the commercial aspect stands very much in the foreground .”
NO DIG APPROACH Von Korff and her team decided to set up an organic gardening and vegetable production with a system called ‘ no dig ,’ developed by a lead innovator of organic and no dig gardening since 1983 .
There are three key facets of the no dig method :
Problems diminish with “ no dig ” and gardening becomes easier , particularly because weeds grow less , since their healing properties are not needed by healthy soil , von Korff explains . “ The added value of the lay-out in beds is that they will become a beautiful garden where guests can walk around or have lunch next to the aubergines , or just relax in one of the quiet corners throughout the vegetable gardens .” When asked about investment and ROI of Cas Gasi ’ s sustainability endeavors , von Korff says it ’ s a non-quantified long-term return for the investment – there will be no immediate return . “ We are committed to good practices and protection of the environment , and hope to set an example for generations to come ,” she adds . “ Long-term investments define an attitude in life , as opposed to the immediate return seekers , who exploit the resources without giving back . We deeply care about the environment and get pleasure by being part of the process .”
28 hotelsmag . com May 2022